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Slide Pritech Bespoke Privacy, Cyber-Security, Reputation Consultancy


  • Pritech’s charter is to focus entirely on monitoring and protecting your online privacy, providing personal and enterprise level cyber security and online reputation management.
  • Our bespoke strategic investigation, assessment and ultimately collaborative solutions emerge because we work with each client as though it is our only client.
  • Our engagement begins with an extensive interview process to learn and evaluate your goals as it pertains to cyber security, privacy and reputation.
  • The next step is to perform a comprehensive audit that includes analyzing all current physical devices and operations and web assets including safety, security, threats and weaknesses and the personally identifiable information you have provided online.
  • Our recommended solutions include deploying best in class software, services and vendors addressing all elements and needs exposed by the audit. We stay connected to you and for you 24/7/365.


  • Pritech works with Individuals, families, executives, entrepreneurs and principals.
  • Our initial engagement begins with an extensive interview process and assessment to learn about specific uses of devices, communications, applications, data, storage, networks and enterprises.
  • Pritech works closely with individuals to evaluate habits, use patterns.
  • We create strategies and recommendations to implement custom cyber security, privacy and reputational frameworks based on proactive layered system architectures.
  • From auditing physical security, applying anti-malware and strong password management.


  • Pritech believes every family must have a Family Internet Usage Plan for family members and household staff.
  • This is a set of family  and staff rules that govern device usage, password creation, social media exposure, the release of personally identifiable information that includes both emails, text messages and social media.
  • Pritech believes that children are at the greatest risk and the most likely to expose personal information.
  • Direct access to unsuspecting children via video game chat, social media, instant messaging and chat rooms simplifies the predator’s efforts to contact and groom children.
  • Additionally, some teens are placing themselves at risk and willingly talk about sexual matters with online acquaintances.

Family Office

  • Pritec’s Family Office Strategies start with an assessment to understand, control, and mitigate all forms of cyber risk and vulnerabilities.
  • We will inventory of all your Family Office technology connected to the internet to ensure software is updated and encryption is in place to protect personally identifiable information that can be exploited.
  • Research the latest technologies, test, implement and report back comparing what you are currently using to what is recommended for deployment.
  • Pritech will recommend anti-malware and anti-virus software on your network and IT systems to detect and prevent malicious activity.
  • We will create VPN’s (Virtual Private Networks) for all members and employees to protect sensitive personal and financial data.


The Privacy Blueprint (R)

  • How you see yourself, your family, your Family Office, your business in the digital universe is critical for us to understand.
  • We start by guiding you to articulate (often for the first time) your privacy priorities. Pritech alone owns this pursuit. Our competitors automate. We personalize.
  • We capture your digital footprints as they take the form of the devices (cell phones, desktops, laptops, smart home and office devices, servers and storage, all on terra firma and in the cloud) that you use.
  • Our initial assessment of your digital footprint and your perception of it is bespoke and The Privacy Blueprint(R) emerges as the foundation of the Pritech service offerings.
  • Software, hardware, human action recommendations follow and we deploy the solutions that serve you best and exclusively.

Personally Identifiable Information

  • Personally Identifiable Information (or PII) is a key component of our online identities and can be exploited by bad actors, be they individuals or organizations.
  • This information can include your name, birth date, social security number, passport number, home address, family members, telephone number, email and addresses.
  • Your social media accounts and online presence invite the world to see you. And the world sees you. But you leave the door open and that needs to change.
  • Pritech constantly executes the detailed process of finding and removing PII where possible and when needed and creates, maintains and updates conflicting and incorrect listings.
  • Our policing includes public data sites, search engine listings and social media sites mindful of threats, weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

Privacy Compliance

  • Data privacy or data protection laws exist in the US and in nearly every country.
  • Pritech will guide you toward services to automate your compliance with all applicable privacy laws and regulations as these change frequently and globally.
  • Core compliance with laws often include considerations relating to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), California’s Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPPA”) Privacy Rule and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FRCA”).
  • We include the acronyms here to point out that there are literally hundreds of laws and regulations across every state, nation and nation-state (i.e. country) and each acronym represents legal requirements that my apply to you.
  • Pritech takes the mystery out of compliance by understanding your operational objectives and limiting your compliance mandates to the actual laws and regulations under which you must run your family, family office, company or some or all of the above.


The Secure Executive

  • Attacks from cyber criminals, hacking, phishing, malware and privacy theft is now happening at the individual level.
  • Pritech will help you secure your devices and digital world through secure passwords, threat detection and threat monitoring.
  • At home, in the office, on the road or on route, we will provide 24/7 monitoring of suspicious activity across devices using bleeding edge detection and protection software.
  • Mitigate downside exposure and risk using encryption, a personal virtual private network and an encrypted automated password manager.
  • We can provide layered security through attachment scanning, link verification and threat intelligence


The Secure Family

  • Where we used to have bank robberies and extortion, we now have cyber heists, ransomware and predators.
  • Predators hide behind the anonymity of the Internet. They easily retrieve your personal information from data farms, Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and even your family’s social media accounts.
  • We complete careful assessments to create bespoke “Safe Family Strategies” to protect you and your family from the threat of Internet predators.
  • Your “Safe Strategies” which will include family and staff training including: best practices for email, social media, password protection, protecting financial information, family assets and more.
  • From auditing physical security, applying anti-malware and strong password management, we work to keep the family safe and secure.

The Secure Family Office

  • Pritech provides family and business cyber security strategies from visibility, to threat detection, compliance and security incident management.
  • Operationally that ranges from password training and phishing recognition, social engineering hacks, cyber security awareness and ransom response.
  • We create strategies and recommendations to implement custom cyber security, privacy and reputational frameworks based on proactive layered system architectures.
  • From auditing physical security, applying anti-malware and strong password management.
  • We can make recommendations on the best cyber insurance to protect against a wide range of cyber risks related to information, infrastructure and liability.

Business and Enterprise

  • We provide best practices strategies for all stakeholders from family members to c-suite to employees.
  • Security awareness training for executives, employees and stakeholders that includes phishing simulations.
  • We will work directly with your IT department to implement best practices strategies.
  • We can provide highly advanced ransomware incident strategies including detection, response and payment negotiation. (yearly retainer).
  • We can provide vetted cyber liability insurance recommendations that ensure protection for you and your assets from data breaches, malware, ransomware and other cyber security issues.



Protect Your Legacy

  • The story of one’s business and life is passed down for generations. Sometimes by loving family members, dedicated friends and employees, and sometimes by competitors, rivals and enemies.
  • Generational reputation leaves its  mark on the world.  From generation to generation, a family tells it’s story and passes it on.
  •  A family’s legacy is made of heritage, values, leadership, achievement and vision. You can tell your story and protect your legacy. Make sure you tell your story in your own words.
  • Create, control and monitor the public Internet perception of a family. From family branding, public perception and personal social media use, we will help proactively build and control a family’s positive reputation.
  • Build positive family and individual identities through Internet and social posting. 100 positive posts can easily drown out 1 negative post.

Google Search

  • Negative or damaging information can seriously jeopardize your personal reputation and business.
  • From SEC, to .gov to lawsuits and even false information, one bad status update could do significant damage.
  • Pritech uses automated webcrawlers to scan for any information about you, your family, your businesses or anything you want to protect and mitigate downside risk and exposure.
  • Pritech will use our legal team to request removal of such content and create high-level content to work to replace and suppress damaging and misleading information.
  • One bad status update, a bad review, a disgruntled employee or even a rant that you may have posted could be doing you significant personal and financial damage.

Social Media

  • Social media is a dominant force in identity perception.
  • It tells the world who you are, good or bad. Every post, comment or #hashtag defines your identity.
  • From personal attacks to political rants, social media needs to be carefully monitored to protect you, your family members and your businesses.
  • Pritech will search for and monitor content in social networks in real-time and provides deep analytics data.
  • We will set up alerts to find out who is talking about you, your family and your business and respond as requested to protect your personal and public reputations.

Reputation Protection

  • It takes years to build a reputation and days to destroy one.
  • We can act preemptively by nurturing a strong online presence in advance, or work on your behalf to bury negative results and where possible to have them permanently removed.
  • The creation and placement of custom high-quality content can allow you to control your story, the perception, and the overall brand reputation of your family.
  • Focused multi-media content provides a powerful pre-emptive strike to control your online reputation.
  • You will create and control the content and story that is told on the Internet rather than reacting to your story as told by others.



Assessment Commencement

  • The first step, as with many things, is to listen. And so we do.
  • How you see yourself, your family, your Family Office, your business in the digital universe is critical for us to understand.
  • We start by guiding you to articulate (often for the first time) your privacy priorities. Pritech alone owns this pursuit. Our competitors automate. We personalize.
  • Our initial assessment of your digital footprint and your perception of it is bespoke. Customized. Personal.
  • We interview and listen. We ask more questions and notate the answers. We present back to you what you’ve shown to us. As we confirm that we are on the same page, the process continues.

Assessment Continues

  • We capture your digital footprints as they take the form of the devices (cell phones, desktops, laptops, smart home and office devices, servers and storage, all on terra firma and in the cloud) that you use.
  • This unique Privacy Blueprint becomes the foundation to of the Pritech service offerings.
  • Assessing the assessment. We study together and confirm where you reach, how frequently your touchpoints are engaged and whether and how long-unused or un-accessed elements need be utilized.
  • Pritech then prods. No physical pain but in our experience it is at this moment when your digital vulnerabilities are exposed. No magic. No mystery. Clarity.
  • Reflection is a Pritech specialty. We guide you through reflecting on what you’ve got and what you thought you had.

What you think you want and need.

  • Now that vulnerabilities have been exposed in a secure and collaborative environment, the next step is the “what if” “why not” “how about” and “did you hear of this” phase of the assessment.
  • By this point we’ve poured over the Privacy Blueprint and we’ve discussed some possibilities but nothing certain and nothing deliberate.
  • Stage 3 of “What you think you want and need” is deliberate. We listen. As we start, we listen.
  • We’ve found this to be the most valuable element of our service offering in this early stage of our relationship with you. You’ve got an idea of what you thought you were doing and now know what you are doing and finally we can discuss what you think you want and need given what we now know together.
  • We discuss with you these wants and needs and generally discuss feasibility and general direction. Then Pritech deliberates.

Initial Recommendations

  • Following our assessment and the establishment of the Privacy Blueprint and having taken in your suggestions for what you want and need, it’s time for analysis and then recommendations.
  • Analysis and recommendation comes in the form of a new level/layer of an overlay to your Privacy Blueprint. It’s a draft testing scenario that allows us to discuss and for you to visualize the improvements/changes in your Privacy Blueprint.
  • Devices, Connections, Customary Access. These three elements are identified in the Pritech Privacy Blueprint Overlay (“PPBO”).
  • We walk through the benefits and potential shortfalls of each of the items specified in the PPBO.
  • Many of the PPBO elements are tied to one or more third party vendors (software code creators, security platforms, security hardware manufacturers, law firms and public relations professionals).

Deployed Recommendations

  • Together we assess which suitable elements should be merged between your initial Privacy Blueprint with the PPBO and together we agree on your Privacy Blueprint Ver. 2.0.
  • Pritech works with you on a deployment timeline for Ver. 2.0 including costs and timeframe for installation, training, testing and live launch.
  • We oversee deployment and continue reporting to you until the entire Ver. 2.0 is in place.
  • You determine whether a Pritech Privacy Dashboard would benefit your operations and if so, the platform is deployed adjacent to your Privacy Blueprint.
  • Frequent interval review and assessment for all deployed items are calendared and results communicated in real time if a Pritech Dashboard has been installed or otherwise conveyed along an agreed timeline.

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